Now the long winded rant:
I asked Katie, if I told her, she wouldn't have to swear not to take my idea. She agreed, I told her and then she says the worst thing any plagerist motherfucker can say:
"Oh, yeah, I had an idea just like that."
Yeah, sure you did Katie... Now, the idea isn't %100 original, but seriously. She even took the title, the concept and the characters! She's like freaking Dean Koonst! I'm expecting her to start rewriting Frankenstien.
For anyone who knows me, knows how difficult it is for me to create an oringinal story and I was really excited about Diary of Jane, so to have someone say that their going to write their OWN version of it and submit it to a publisher, that's going to piss me off!
She even had the gall to say, "If either of us gets published, we can dedicate it to the other."
Excuse me, if she wants to dedicate it to me after I GAVE HER, she can just forget it. It's MY STORY, MY CHARACTERS, AND MY IDEA!!!!! I don't care if you rewrite it, IT'S STILL MY IDEA!!!! It's not something you get PUBLISHED AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!
*pulls her hair out*
Jeez, she thinks if she can make one person cry with her grad speech, she can steal an idea and try and get it published...
She's a freaking Dean Koonst incarante...
Hehe, a podcast I'm listening to is talking about the short before the WALL-E movie. That was aboslutely hystarical. The Carrot is a Lie! That and for any computer nerd, Wall-E's start up tone is the Dell start up. That made me laugh. Pixar is amazing.
I still want to see The Dark Knight like crazy. It looks absolutely great. The Joker actually looks insane, compared to all the other forms of media he's in.
Well, I'm gonna sign off, I've ranted enough, and hopefully it won't get me in trouble.
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