Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Toes Were Meant to Live

Currently Listening to: Meant to Live by Switchfoot (Oh, the irony)

Let's see if I can beat the maintenance.

Well, since I can't really go anywhere thanks to these sore spots on my toes, I've been working on getting the ART&R 100th Episode Specail together. It's a little nerve racking but I do have quiet a few weeks until I have to have it in.

But these stupid sore spots on my feet are driving my crazy! They're like little mumps or something, that tingle (painfully) when I walk. It turns to a stabbing pain when I try and put shoes on, or put just a little too much force on my toes. The lumps also make it almost impossible to bend my big toes...

I have an appointment tomorrow with the doctor, so hopefully she can tell me what's wrong... *crosses fingers*

I have pictures of the little painful bastards on my camera to show you lovely folks once I get the connector cord. My digital camera sucks, but I did manage to get at least one good picture of my worst of my two feet.

Woo! Beat the fall out time by 5 minutes. Well, Ja ne for now.

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