Well thankfuly my mom let me sleep a little longer so that I could get some sleep. I still don't feel the greatest, but a lot better compared to this morning.
Oh, I just remembered. About a week ago my dad ordered The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov (one of my favorite sci-fi writers) and yesterday my mom took me to the library to pick it up. So, I went in with my mom's library card, asked for the book. The following happened:
1. I had not ID so I wasn't allowed to use my own mother's card
2. Her card was expired
3. My own mother, my dad's wife, is apparently not allowed to pick up a book for him... but she is able to cancel his order (wtf!?!?)
Thus my mom proceeded to play the system. She canceled my dad's order and since no one else had a hold on it, she was able to place her own hold on it. Then she went and renewed her card, and picked it up. The checkout librarian was shocked.
It was really entertaining to watch. (^_^)
Off to drink more coffee!
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