Friday, July 4, 2008

Anime Marathoning Requires Training...

Ick, god I don't think I'll be doing much of this during the school year...

It's 3:57 AM and I just spent a good 4 and a half hours watching the rest of Habun no Tsuki ga Noburo Sora (spelling may be off- so sue me) and the first four episodes of Bokura ga Ita. I wanna be done with BgI by sunday night (that means about 8 episodes a day) so that the ART & R discussion doesn't ruin it for me. I could always wait till the next week to download the show, but I like listening/participating in the chat during the live show.

Which, now that I think about it, I need to work on the specail something I'm cooking up for the 100th episode. Why does Audacity have to hate me now????? Of all times- honestly. Well at least I managed to get most of the episodes I'm gonna be cutting up into it (that was the hard part) so now I gotta sacrifice a few puppy dogs and virgins and pray it doesn't crash when I least expect it to.

And if that wasn't stressful enough as it is, I just got a position on an anime podcast (well, more like I get to write reviews for the blog (, but w/e) and I gotta submit a review soon. I might end up posting some I've already written. They were originally for a review website I'd intended on running, but that failed and I still have the Word documents left untouched. Or I could do something short like the Battle Angel OVAs (anyone who thinks it's Battle Angel Alita can... oh forget it).

4:10 Damn... I'm gone...

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