Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Procrastination is Worse than Crack

Being in deep shit is never fun. I'm going to get my ears screamed off if I don't get to my work, but I just don't have the drive right now. I wanna ride my bike down to the local Borders and pick up vol. 2 of Trigun and the first issue of Yen Plus (the Higurashi manga is premering early in it!) That or order the boxset for Princess Tutu.

I think I'll go for the manga. I mean, both Soul Eater and Higurashi together? As well as Maximum Ride in manwha form? Hell yeah! Take a look at (what I believe to be) the cover:

Either way, when I'm done, I might see if I can. Least it's not as hot as it was before. I got a slight tan over the weekend (shocking, really) and no sunburn so that's a good sign. May wanna try tanning again later today.

Shitty blog post, I know... Sorry wanted to write at least SOMETHING.

Currently Listening to: Taishou.A by anNina Closing for Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai

Current Mood: Content... maybe?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Utena's Going Under

Video's like this make me want to see Utena now... *Goes in search of the DVDs*

Voice Actor Quote Request and Dot Hack Class Quiz Results

What Popular Voice Actor Quote Request Are You?
What Popular Voice Actor Quote Request Are You?
Hosted By Anime and Fandom

What .hack Class Are You?
What .hack Class Are You?
Hosted By Anime and Fandom

Why did I have the feeling I was gonna get Twin Blade?

33 Posts that Go Nowhere

I beat Cubia, finally. Turns out having 2 Wavemasters is a good strategy. Right now I'm dealing with freaking personal issues, that make me wanna just crawl into a corner and avoid the world. I wanna sit down and just play MUTATION for 10 hours straight. But no, obligations are keeping me on the front lines. And I have no medic to make me feel better. Well maybe OTOhime is my Medic and Higurashi is the happy blue pill, but still... I can't watch Higurashi for quiet a while.

Until Julia gets back from a mission trip, I'm left to fend for myself. Wahhhhh! Come back soon Julia-san!! *curls up under her desk, listening to her iPod*

Currently Listening to: Earth Defender Maoh-chan by Anime Round Table and Review

Current Mood: Wanting to Crawl into a Corner and Disappear for a While

Saturday, July 26, 2008

.Hack; Trials and Tribulations

Cubia is evil. I can't stand this stupid boss. To defeat it, you have to adjust to constantly switching between Physical Combat and Magic Combat. What's even more annoying is his types of attacks. Granted he doesn't have the ablility for Data Drain, but he sure does have a nice slew of attacks up his non-existing sleaves.

The problem with gamer guides is with .Hack, there are so many factors in choosing who you should bring to help you try and defeat Cubia. One I read said I should bring Black Rose (Mistral is nessicary) and another one said I should bring Elk. I kinda like the idea of having another Wavemaster, but seriously, that leaves only me to deal out physical damage...

The gamer who posted his stratagey on youtube used Elk and Mistral and had defeated Cubia within 8 minutes, while a guide I pulled off a website said it'll take quiet a while to defeat him; one of the longest fights you'll have in the game. Ah well, I guess I'll try both ways. Maybe I'll get randomly lucky and win.

Also, happy B-day Ma! You know I love you!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Being a Women Sucks

Blah, I feel awful... Headache, cramping, and all over exhaustion.

I wanna go back to sleep.

If I don't post tomorrow, I'm dead... or just busy. What ever.

*Laughs at my icon and then crawls into a corner*

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Toes Were Meant to Live

Currently Listening to: Meant to Live by Switchfoot (Oh, the irony)

Let's see if I can beat the maintenance.

Well, since I can't really go anywhere thanks to these sore spots on my toes, I've been working on getting the ART&R 100th Episode Specail together. It's a little nerve racking but I do have quiet a few weeks until I have to have it in.

But these stupid sore spots on my feet are driving my crazy! They're like little mumps or something, that tingle (painfully) when I walk. It turns to a stabbing pain when I try and put shoes on, or put just a little too much force on my toes. The lumps also make it almost impossible to bend my big toes...

I have an appointment tomorrow with the doctor, so hopefully she can tell me what's wrong... *crosses fingers*

I have pictures of the little painful bastards on my camera to show you lovely folks once I get the connector cord. My digital camera sucks, but I did manage to get at least one good picture of my worst of my two feet.

Woo! Beat the fall out time by 5 minutes. Well, Ja ne for now.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

When Trust Bites You in the Ass...

Well... I'm going to go through bitch mode for just one post, so forgive me. Quick summary, if you don't want to read the entire bitch-fest: I told my friend on vacation (you can guess who that is) my idea for Diary of Jane, she took the idea, twisted it, and claimed it as her own.

Now the long winded rant:

I asked Katie, if I told her, she wouldn't have to swear not to take my idea. She agreed, I told her and then she says the worst thing any plagerist motherfucker can say:

"Oh, yeah, I had an idea just like that."

Yeah, sure you did Katie... Now, the idea isn't %100 original, but seriously. She even took the title, the concept and the characters! She's like freaking Dean Koonst! I'm expecting her to start rewriting Frankenstien.

For anyone who knows me, knows how difficult it is for me to create an oringinal story and I was really excited about Diary of Jane, so to have someone say that their going to write their OWN version of it and submit it to a publisher, that's going to piss me off!

She even had the gall to say, "If either of us gets published, we can dedicate it to the other."

Excuse me, if she wants to dedicate it to me after I GAVE HER, she can just forget it. It's MY STORY, MY CHARACTERS, AND MY IDEA!!!!! I don't care if you rewrite it, IT'S STILL MY IDEA!!!! It's not something you get PUBLISHED AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!

*pulls her hair out*

Jeez, she thinks if she can make one person cry with her grad speech, she can steal an idea and try and get it published...

She's a freaking Dean Koonst incarante...

Hehe, a podcast I'm listening to is talking about the short before the WALL-E movie. That was aboslutely hystarical. The Carrot is a Lie! That and for any computer nerd, Wall-E's start up tone is the Dell start up. That made me laugh. Pixar is amazing.

I still want to see The Dark Knight like crazy. It looks absolutely great. The Joker actually looks insane, compared to all the other forms of media he's in.

Well, I'm gonna sign off, I've ranted enough, and hopefully it won't get me in trouble.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Icon Madness!

Currently Listening to: Naraku no Hana by Eiko Shimamiya from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai

Is madness spelled with two d's or one? Ah well, I'm not going to check... On to the dumping of all the 150x150 icons. If you want a 100 by 100 icon, you can either ask me for one that size or just resize the one you want yourself. It's not that hard.

Rules Regarding Icon Use:
* You may redistribute as long as credit is given

* For basic use, no credit is necessary

* When in doubt, LEAVE A COMMENT & YOUR EMAIL (if you don't have a Google account)

* I do take requests, but make sure to be SPECIFIC about what you want and be PATIENT

*Please leave positive feedback! I just started making icons, and I would like your thoughts on them! I can only get better with practice and helpful prodding. *laughs*

Kaworu Icons:
#1 & #2

#3 & #4

#5 & #6

#7 & #8


Tabbi Icons:

Sorry, I don't know what happened to the sizing on #8... I'll post a fixed copy once my shoulders stop aching... Blame the weird angle I was sitting in while photoshoping these. My favorite is #2, mostly because it uses lyrics from one my favorite songs. It fit way to well so I couldn't resist using it. :3

I also spent way too much time on #1. Maybe it's just because that part of the manga bothered me so very much (for anyone who hasn't read it, Kaworu kills a stray kitten, saying it would be kinder than letting it starve). Either way, the end result wasn't half bad.

~ Mi-chan

P.S. Fuck < div > tags. They kept throwing the HTML formating off and when I went to remove all of them, it took forever! Jeez, talk about annoying code. XP! I had to do it 3 FUCKING TIMES, until I figured it out that they were throwing it off! *pulls gun on blogger software* Die you MutherFucker!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Title, What Title?

Currently Listening to: The Walking Dead by the Zebraheads

Well, today I've been doing the basics. Cleaning the house, doing laundry, and other minute tasks that I've put off for a while. Yesterday I fell asleep after laying down for a little while since I had a killer headache. The headache's almost gone but the crummy feeling is still there. Must've been from the water I got up my nose from swimming yesterday.

So while my mom and sister went to the pool today, I stayed home and did house work... I'm giving off freaking Cinderella vibes...

Well, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai seems to be getting good. I don't like how their feeding the ALIENS, IT'S ALIENS theory fire, so hopefully they'll move away from that plot device soon. Seems the arc changing was something that actually happened and is not just some story telling device, which is really interesting. They only scratched the surface of that idea last season, so hopefully they'll go more indepth with it in Kai.

Well, off to finish making up my bed!


Friday, July 11, 2008

More Moe Sycthe Goodness

Hehe, after seeing OTOhime's version of MoeSycthe I had to draw her human form:

Speaking of the ART&R Forumites, Wednesday night chat was a blast this week. Lots of hugging, earbiting and boob grabbing. Laci pulled a Haruhi on me and Darkest took it there, lol. That and Quartears seemed to enjoy me freaking out every time he gave me a hug. I wonder if Sunday's chat will be as crazy. *crosses fingers* It was really funny.

All I have to say, is that's the last time I go into a closet with Kaworu, lol.


Currently Listening to: Hope by Apocolyptica

Current Game: .hack//MUTATION

Oh, god all mighty, I finally did it! 2 years (total- 32 hours of actual game play) of beating virually corrupt bosses and leveling up, and part 1 is over. Makes me kinda sad, but I'd rather just laugh at Skeith.

I kicked your ass, fucktard! MUWAHAHAHAH!!! *insert more Higurashi style laughing here*

Speaking of Higurashi, check out my new review for Hey Hey Anime. I also finished the 26 episodes of mystery and blood yesterday. For those of you who haven't seen Higurashi here's my five scentances or less summary:

"The first episode is rather normal stereotypical moe: New guy, Keiichi Maebara, moves to Hinamizawa, joins the after school club, goes insane, kills his friends, and claws his own throat out.

Wait, that’s not right…

Well that didn’t work. Hit the cosmic reset button Oyashiro-sama, and let’s see if it works out the 2nd time around…"

I sooo want my own cosmic reset button.

Well, I'm off to make more icons. In truth I have about 20 of Kaworu, almost 40+ of shion/mion, and I think well over 60+ of Rena. But you can never have too many icons, lol (I'm not an icon whore, I swear).


Thursday, July 10, 2008

You May Call Me Cuddleslut

Your result for The Attachment Style Test...

The Cuddleslut

You're mostly secure, but sometimes you need a little extra reassurance to make it through the tough times. You are usually affectionate and sweet, and you find it easy to fall in love. An encouraging word from a crush or a loved one can motivate you for weeks.

Fictional character with whom you might identify: Kaylee (Firefly/Serenity), Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)

KayleeFrye.jpg HiroNakamura.jpg

Take The Attachment Style Test at HelloQuizzy

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chu Chu Lovely Hinamizawa!

Finally after days of searching I've found the best one (IMO):

Chu, chu, rami, ni- Stupid song, get out of my head!

A Little Better...

Well thankfuly my mom let me sleep a little longer so that I could get some sleep. I still don't feel the greatest, but a lot better compared to this morning.

Oh, I just remembered. About a week ago my dad ordered The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov (one of my favorite sci-fi writers) and yesterday my mom took me to the library to pick it up. So, I went in with my mom's library card, asked for the book. The following happened:

1. I had not ID so I wasn't allowed to use my own mother's card

2. Her card was expired

3. My own mother, my dad's wife, is apparently not allowed to pick up a book for him... but she is able to cancel his order (wtf!?!?)

Thus my mom proceeded to play the system. She canceled my dad's order and since no one else had a hold on it, she was able to place her own hold on it. Then she went and renewed her card, and picked it up. The checkout librarian was shocked.
It was really entertaining to watch. (^_^)
Off to drink more coffee!

Sleepless in Seattle

I don't even live in Seattle, yet I still have sleeping issues, what the hell? I've had serious sleeping issues for the last freaking week, and now I think it's gotten me sick. My cheeks are bright red and I'm feeling slightly feverish. Blech...

But seriously, you know how people sometimes complain about being tired and not getting enough rest and bullshit? And how they'll say "I didn't sleep at ALL last night," and then proceed to yawn to prove their point? Well, most likely they got some sleep, even if it was a few hours worth. That's why they feel so tired. Me on the other hand, I was 100% aware of what was going on the entire night, I could give them a long, detailed explanation of what I did over the entire course of the time, and never once did I fall asleep.

At all.

And trust me, you can tell when I haven't slept at all. I seriously look like a freaking crack addict going through withdrawl when I do. That and when my body realizes it's not going to get any sleep, it goes into hyper active mode, where I am literally pacing my room trying to get rid of the pent up energy. That only lasts for nearly an hour or two, and then I fall into auto pilot. This is basicly where if I sit down or lay down for even a minute, even after I've had a cup of coffee and a can of diet soda, I will literally go comatose for about 2-3 hours.

So next time someone you know says they stayed up all night and never slept once, take a good look at their behavior. If they're yawning a lot or their eyelids are droopy, that's probably just not enough sleep. But when someone says they haven't slept at all and they look like their gonna explode from an adrenaline overdose, tell them to go home and sleep, because it's sure as hell not healthy.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Kaworu Died for Your Sins!

I want this sticker:

I'm just not ready to shell out $200 for a series I didn't really like, save for 1 episode and a movie. Maybe I could just make one in photoshop... *evil grin*
Either way...
I forgot to mention, but I lit my hair on fire during the 4th of July. Nothing too serious, everything still looks normal, but the right side of my bangs are thinner than the left.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Moe Sycthe

OTOhime's design for my MoeSycthe form (if you don't get what I'm talking about, vist the ART&R forums and look at the moe castle).

Thank you very much my MoeMeister! I need to draw the human form now... *creative gears in head begin to turn*

-Mi-chan/MoeSycthe of Doom

Higurashi is Like Crack

Currently Listening to: Animal I Have Become by 3 Days Grace

God do I love Higurashi. I've been setting off finishing it for quiet some time, mostly because I could never find the time to watch it without the risk of my parents walking in on a disturbingly violent scene, but now that I tend to watch my anime at night before I go to sleep I've rediscovered why I gave it a 9 on MAL in the first place. Who can't love a show where you can make merchandise like this:

But really, I absolutely love the way this show is set up. The people who are my friends tend to think that I really abhor violence or that I don't like scary movies, but obviously they don't pay attention to the anime I watch. I mean half the reason I like Higurashi is because it dares to be so violent, despite how cute and innocent the characters may seem.

I tend to like the rush horror movies give me and with Higurashi, it has a great underlying story. Like, I just finished episode 21 where there is basicly a repeat of an arc that happened earlier in the series (those who've seen the series know what I'm talking about) but from a different perspective, which was really neat and really showed that everything in this series isn't what it seems.

It's sad to hear though that the anime doesn't follow the game and actually makes the characters seem slightly more heartless in the anime (Shion for example: in ep. 21 she was actually supossed to survive the inital fall, come to her senses, and then die by ending her own life, with a famous line that I shall not quote for spoiler reasons) I really wish I could speak Japanese and had a region 2 PS2... :[

...And doing a little more googling it seems the french company Editions-Anima wants to include one of the Higurashi games on the 6th disk or give it a seperate release... YES!!!!!!!! Thank god out of all the languages I decided to take in middle school and highschool it was french! That'll give new incentive to learn it and learn it well. *does happy dance* So what if it'll 4 years until I can get my hands on it and there are no plans to release it in the near future? As long as I know I can get the game somewhere I'm happy. :] <3

And a final thing. I've noticed quite a few AMVs for Higurashi featuring the song I'm listening to right now. The idea is stellar, it's just the exacution falls flat on it's face. I mean, I don't think I've seen a single Higurashi video that didn't have subs, more or less any effects... and it's sad to see too!

This is probably the best one I've found so far (bare in mind I haven't looked very hard) that doesn't use Animal I Have Become:

I take that back, this one is:

Either way, it's still hard to find a good Higurashi video.

And yes I am up at an ungodly hour, but I screwed up my sleeping pattern because I wasn't feeling good yesterday and I slept till 5 in the afternoon. To get myself back to my normal patterns I have to basicly stay up all night and go to sleep early the next night. But I won't rest until I've watched the rest of Bokura ga Ita and listened to ART&R's discussion on it.

Well, I'm gonna go type up the review of Battle Angel I wrote (by hand) last night and this morning for Hey Hey Anime and then get ready for church (If I was catholic, confession would sure be interesting, lol). See ya!


Friday, July 4, 2008

Anime Marathoning Requires Training...

Ick, god I don't think I'll be doing much of this during the school year...

It's 3:57 AM and I just spent a good 4 and a half hours watching the rest of Habun no Tsuki ga Noburo Sora (spelling may be off- so sue me) and the first four episodes of Bokura ga Ita. I wanna be done with BgI by sunday night (that means about 8 episodes a day) so that the ART & R discussion doesn't ruin it for me. I could always wait till the next week to download the show, but I like listening/participating in the chat during the live show.

Which, now that I think about it, I need to work on the specail something I'm cooking up for the 100th episode. Why does Audacity have to hate me now????? Of all times- honestly. Well at least I managed to get most of the episodes I'm gonna be cutting up into it (that was the hard part) so now I gotta sacrifice a few puppy dogs and virgins and pray it doesn't crash when I least expect it to.

And if that wasn't stressful enough as it is, I just got a position on an anime podcast (well, more like I get to write reviews for the blog (, but w/e) and I gotta submit a review soon. I might end up posting some I've already written. They were originally for a review website I'd intended on running, but that failed and I still have the Word documents left untouched. Or I could do something short like the Battle Angel OVAs (anyone who thinks it's Battle Angel Alita can... oh forget it).

4:10 Damn... I'm gone...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ART&R Wednesday Night Fun

* OTOhime shoots quartears with a moe beam

* quartears dodges slyly

I was thinking of making an anti moe union on myanimelist

* Midori arms herself with a death sythe*

** Yomi is now known as MoeLeader



* OTOhime is cheering


Sarkozy knows that children around the world aren't downloading ColdPlay or Bullet for my Valentine

* Midori is amused

*** Zim is now known as Robo

Oh dear god...

they're too busy downloading MC Solaar

*** Robo is now known as Roboleader

shit, who's who now...

* quartears stays out of moe/robot conflict and deals with International Copyright

Yomi is the MoeLeader apparently

I don't bother keeping track any more.I'm me... but nobody knows me... sooooo good luck with that

and Zim is Robo

* OTOhime shoots moe beams at Roboleader


Don't worry I'll convert you all

To my side!

* quartears files a lawsuit in International Court prosecuting the defending OTOhime for crimes against robots

With a healthy mix of Giant Robo and Votoms

* Darkest runs to where ever Esper is hiding

* MoeLeader denies the lawsuit as the judge, jury and executioner of all things ART&R

* quartears appeals to Supreme Court and Scollia convinces others to go along with it.

*** OTOhime is now known as MoeAssasin

or however the hell you spell his name..


a while later...

* Midori switches Death Sythe to Moe Sythe

* MoeAssassin puts up moe shield for protection

a short time later...

* Midori think OTOhime should be a meister and I'll be her death sythe

it's cool

It's time like these that I wish Mystery Science Theater 3000 didn't go off the air. ok, good

I'm relaxed because I'm listening to WMP...

* OTOhime is liking Mi-chan's idea


now I'll listen to something that keeps me sane... the Getter Robo OP

* OTOhime sells Moe Katana and Moe Dagger for Mi-chan the Moe Sythe


no more Moe v Robo...


* Midori stays in human form

God, I love wednesday night chat. XD

Note: some of the quotes maybe incorrect just because the names didn't show up properly when I pasted. Other than that, I can't wait to see OTOhime's drawing of my Moe Sythe. Moe patrons, unite!