Saturday, August 2, 2008

Those Who Need Titles are Pompous As- Oh Wait...

437 pages in, and I'm really enjoying Breaking Dawn. No spoilers until I finish the fracking thing... God all mighty, for someone who's never taken on a Harry Potter length book, this one's a monster!

The premiere was pretty fun. I got to hang out with a group of my friends and write explicit things slandering Jacob on a public board (don't ask). Though that wasn't as scary as the "EDWARDxJACOB" written in pink. *shudders* Or the 40 year old man who, not only was a fan of the series, but was with there with his wife... That just screams creepy on so many levels.

The winners of the costume contest at our local Borders was a couple, a boy and a girl, dressed up as Jasper and Alice. They were absolutely adorable together! I'm glad they won. Lots of people dressed up as crazy Twilight fans, which were entertaining, but not really what the contest was about.

But enough about the release party, I finally got around to re-organizing my anime/manga collection. That was a monster of a task, seeing as many of the books didn't fit, so my boxsets got moved to the very bottom, with almost 2 whole shelves worth of manga (roughly around 60+ volumes). Almost time to start double stacking or get another shelf or clear some desk space. The top would work nice.

Spent the rest of the day laying mulch down in the flower beds. My hands, arms and feet are sore, but I feel great. I think I'll get a nice night of rest (if that makes any sense). Hopefully the painful blister on the inside of my thumb will go away soon so I can finish coloring a peice of lineart I've been working on feverishly for the last couple of days.

Well, speaking of rest, I need to sleep. G'night all!



Anonymous said...

Oh, so you think this Breaking Dawn is insane in length huh? Well... have I got stuff for you to read!! Ok, so I generally don't tackle things that are like 700 pages in length, but I am guessing that for the most part it's in modern English? Am I write? See what I did? I made a stupid joke.

Miss M said...

Oh, you went to a midnight release, also? =D Awesome! I wrote on the little boxes we had that the "VOLTURI SUCK". I was also a peice in a human chess game. =D

You have finished it, I guess? Talk to me sometime! We can talk spoilers. =3

Midori said...

@ agent q- What's the longest book you've read? And yep, you're write. *rimshot*

@ miss m- You had human chess? Lucky! We did a lot of trivia and quizes.

Tell me, would you have remembered what Jacob's "catch phrase" was? Apparently it was "sure, sure". *smacks forehead* Lots and lots of nit-picky crap...

Yup. Yay spoilers! :3 "Bella's-!" *clamps hand over her mouth*