1. "The Howling," by Within Temptation. After getting through the first 3 DVDs of Wolf's Rain that my friend lent me, I went and looked up AMVs on youtube. This song was in the first video I watched and, oh dear god, I love it.
2. "Cloud 9," by Maaya Sakamoto. Okay, another song concerning Wolf's Rain. Bite me, the sound track for this show is amazing, and Maaya Sakamoto has the voice of an angel.
3. "Heaven's Not Enough," by Steve Conte. Again, this OST is nearly flawless, and Yoko Kanno's compositions work so well and stand well on their own. Sometimes OSTs don't work without actual video to be a foundation. Not so with the music from Wolf's Rain. Every time I listen to this song though, it reminds me of a certain character's passing (the "runt" for anyone who's curious). A very beautiful song.
4. "Stray," by Steve Conte. Okay, last song from Wolf's Rain, I swear. Catchy tune that has me singing along every time. And it's a nice, upbeat way to remember the series.
5. "Wisemen," by James Blunt. Most JB songs tell a very direct story (You're Beautiful, High, Cry, etc.), but for the life of me I can not figure out what this damn song is about! And because of that it intrigues me.
6. "Naraku no Hana," by Eiko Shimamiya. A very pretty song that I managed to learn all the lyrics to and sing in a half decent fashion. Eiko Shimamiya's work never ceases to amaze me. Her style is also something I've learned to enjoy.
7. "Gravity," by Maaya Sakamoto or "Taishou.a" by anNina. Argh! I can't decide between these two songs! Both are beautiful, gentle songs (something my iPod seems to lack) and have great shows attached to them. Wolf's Rain and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai, respectively.
Picking 7 songs is really hard for me, but in the future I'll end up doing this again. My favorites change constantly. Something about rotating through a weeks length of music causes me to gather quite a few "favorites" playlists. *laughs*
Anywho, I deleted the previous post, because after I went back over it and realized how hormonally driven it was, I got really embarrassed. That and it was practically over nothing...
I'm usually not like that, I swear! *blushes*
Well, I'm tired. Time to call it a night.
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