I painted my nails. They're shimmery purple. *Apocalypse*
Well I guess it's not all bad. I mean I did manage to get my second desk up and working all by myself. Woot! And I have the Wolfs Rain DVDs my friend lent to me while she went on vacation. That and I took the time to create a personalized banner for Heliwood, so I guess it's not all bad.
School's starting again soon. Blarg. To quote my favorite author: "High school is not meant to be enjoyed, only survived. College is when it gets fun."
.Hack//Outbreak is going pretty well, considering dumb I was for a good portion of it. Sometimes its easier to follow the guides, but I can't do that in good conscience. If I'm really truly stuck, I'll look, but only to get out of that one situation.
The last couple of days I've been going over to my friend Julia's to have a chance to marathon some anime and catch up. I ended up showing her most of Higurashi while I was there. I'm still not sure if she hates me for it or not, lol. She liked 5 Centimeters per Second mostly because of the gorgeous artwork; she wasn't as impressed with the storyline.
Scratch that, she didn't like how some of the characters were portrayed, and the fact that the story was just down right depressing. I really can't blame her. She had a hard time with Socrates in Love due to how emotionally draining that damn thing is. Amazing for a one volume manga.
We both previewed the anime of Paradise Kiss, and I have to say, I'm gonna have to check the rest of it out. It's absolutely beautiful (that opening scene was messed up though) and the story is really interesting. I tend to like fashion too... *guilty pleasure* Costume designs are good and the music is entertaining (I swear I've heard that ending somewhere before!). Ezabella is great too. Trap-san!!!
Currently Listening to: Hold Your Colour by Pendulum
Currently Mood: Relaxed
Hey, is that Socrates in Love actually about philosophy?
Naw, it's just a high school romance/bitter-sweet story that happens to not have ANYTHING to do with the greek philosopher.
Other than the seemingly unrelated title, it's quite good. Classic "girl dying of a deadly disease" (not a spoiler, they tell you that in the 2nd panel) storyline, but with a more realistic portrayal.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for that kinda romance. *laughs*
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