Sunday, June 15, 2008


Well, in about a week, my friend Katie and I will be going up north with my family to a family camp (for some reason that entire sentence didn't make sense to me. Maybe you'll be more lucky in deciphering it). It'll be interesting, considering it is a Christian camp, and seeing as how the majority of the time we tend to act homoerotic (KATIE CONTROL YOURSELF!). I almost feel bad for anyone who sees that. Almost.

One week in a camper. Sharing the same bed. Oh god, the things people will hear during the night.

Also, note to Katie who I know reads this, you can make comments on posts without an account. XP I set it up that way, specificly for you, so be greatful dammmit! Now excuse me while I consider commiting sepukkuu. (heaven forbid if the spelling is wrong, you get the idea)


Anonymous said...

I AM NOT AN IDPIT. . . dammit. alright, i see ur point. this keyboared sucks @$$!!!! thats why i can't type. . .im not dujmb. . .dammit!!!! this is gonna get ugly. btw, i still remember that certain bar mitzvah dance off. . . .lol, talk about busting a move!!!!! hope things r ok w/pablo (even though he likes me more), and i have bigger boobs than u! love u too! *wink wink*

Anonymous said...

i like pie

Anonymous said...

a lot

Anonymous said...

just like u

Midori said...

Dear Tweety,

Wow, just wow...

*smacks forehead*