Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sick with Only 3 Days of School Left? Fuuuuuck...

Well you read it right. I'm sick. Nothing too serious at the moment, but just to be sure, I've been choking down cough drops for the last ten minutes in hopes that my throat doesn't cave in and my head doesn't explode. Sure I've had worse headaches, but come ON! 3 days left and I have a freaking cold!?! Not to mention the stupid weather up here. I know Wisconsin tends to have stupid weather (and especially cold too) but it was nearly 50 today and wet and rainy. In freaking JUNE! What the hell!? I'm supposed to be enjoying my last couple of days trapped in the hell hole know as my school, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, but instead I'm stuck in a pair of jeans and a heavy sweatshirt.



Well, I'm gonna go take some cold medicine, eat, take a shower and try and get some rest. Maybe I can manage to nip this in the bud before it gets worse.

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