Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quizes and Checklists

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

Your element is Light: Innocent, beautiful, kind-hearted and pure. You are so sweet your almost angelic! You find joy in others happiness and cannot stand to see anyone in pain. You want to make everyone around you feel good about themselves and if someone is upset you can tend to become rather upset as well which means you are sympathetic and raise others above yourself. Being as kind and good-natured as you are people have most likely hurt you in the past but you pick yourself up every time. You may look fragile but you are stronger then most tend to see. Life is beautiful no matter how you look at it and you understand that people make mistakes. Not everyone is perfect. You try to see the good in the bad which is a talent few posses. Dont ever let anyone change you. You truly have a beautiful soul inside and a heart of gold.


1. Get 2nd Air Matress Blown Up

2. Every day this week cut 2 ART&R episodes

3. Get crap ready for highschool

4. Finish Shion Sticker
5. Relpy to OTO's comment (yesthat'showsadIamwhenitcomestorememberingthings)
6. Finish cleaning my room
7. PANIC!!!
8. Find backround music for the ART&R shpeel
9. Look into getting the Wolf's Rain boxsets
10. Rip WR dvds 1-3

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Music Meme

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs.

1. "The Howling," by Within Temptation. After getting through the first 3 DVDs of Wolf's Rain that my friend lent me, I went and looked up AMVs on youtube. This song was in the first video I watched and, oh dear god, I love it.

2. "Cloud 9," by Maaya Sakamoto. Okay, another song concerning Wolf's Rain. Bite me, the sound track for this show is amazing, and Maaya Sakamoto has the voice of an angel.

3. "Heaven's Not Enough," by Steve Conte. Again, this OST is nearly flawless, and Yoko Kanno's compositions work so well and stand well on their own. Sometimes OSTs don't work without actual video to be a foundation. Not so with the music from Wolf's Rain. Every time I listen to this song though, it reminds me of a certain character's passing (the "runt" for anyone who's curious). A very beautiful song.

4. "Stray," by Steve Conte. Okay, last song from Wolf's Rain, I swear. Catchy tune that has me singing along every time. And it's a nice, upbeat way to remember the series.

5. "Wisemen," by James Blunt. Most JB songs tell a very direct story (You're Beautiful, High, Cry, etc.), but for the life of me I can not figure out what this damn song is about! And because of that it intrigues me.

6. "Naraku no Hana," by Eiko Shimamiya. A very pretty song that I managed to learn all the lyrics to and sing in a half decent fashion. Eiko Shimamiya's work never ceases to amaze me. Her style is also something I've learned to enjoy.

7. "Gravity," by Maaya Sakamoto or "Taishou.a" by anNina. Argh! I can't decide between these two songs! Both are beautiful, gentle songs (something my iPod seems to lack) and have great shows attached to them. Wolf's Rain and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai, respectively.

Picking 7 songs is really hard for me, but in the future I'll end up doing this again. My favorites change constantly. Something about rotating through a weeks length of music causes me to gather quite a few "favorites" playlists. *laughs*

Anywho, I deleted the previous post, because after I went back over it and realized how hormonally driven it was, I got really embarrassed. That and it was practically over nothing...

I'm usually not like that, I swear! *blushes*

Well, I'm tired. Time to call it a night.


Friday, August 15, 2008


Wow, it's scary what my boredom can actually lead to... (see sketch left). That's not the worst part. I did something I haven't done for months.

I painted my nails. They're shimmery purple. *Apocalypse*

Well I guess it's not all bad. I mean I did manage to get my second desk up and working all by myself. Woot! And I have the Wolfs Rain DVDs my friend lent to me while she went on vacation. That and I took the time to create a personalized banner for Heliwood, so I guess it's not all bad.

School's starting again soon. Blarg. To quote my favorite author: "High school is not meant to be enjoyed, only survived. College is when it gets fun."

.Hack//Outbreak is going pretty well, considering dumb I was for a good portion of it. Sometimes its easier to follow the guides, but I can't do that in good conscience. If I'm really truly stuck, I'll look, but only to get out of that one situation.

The last couple of days I've been going over to my friend Julia's to have a chance to marathon some anime and catch up. I ended up showing her most of Higurashi while I was there. I'm still not sure if she hates me for it or not, lol. She liked 5 Centimeters per Second mostly because of the gorgeous artwork; she wasn't as impressed with the storyline.

Scratch that, she didn't like how some of the characters were portrayed, and the fact that the story was just down right depressing. I really can't blame her. She had a hard time with Socrates in Love due to how emotionally draining that damn thing is. Amazing for a one volume manga.

We both previewed the anime of Paradise Kiss, and I have to say, I'm gonna have to check the rest of it out. It's absolutely beautiful (that opening scene was messed up though) and the story is really interesting. I tend to like fashion too... *guilty pleasure* Costume designs are good and the music is entertaining (I swear I've heard that ending somewhere before!). Ezabella is great too. Trap-san!!!

Currently Listening to: Hold Your Colour by Pendulum

Currently Mood: Relaxed

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Surprise Surprise!

Holy cow, this is something I wasn't expecting to see on yahoo. This is good news for the site, now that the worry of server costs and bandwith are no longer a problem. It'll be neat to see the subtle or not so subtle changes to the site.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh Shit!

Spoilers for episodes 1-13 of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai and all of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni

Holy eff'in crap! Lotsa information in these past 13 episodes. So much so in fact that I've been keeping notes so I can go back and try and make sense of scenes later. 4 and a half pages in fact, front and back.

Now comes the spoilers.

The fact that Rika is the center of the illness, or Hinamizawa Syndrome, is an interesting concept. Kill the shield, everyone goes berserk.

Symptoms of the Hinamizawa Syndrome (and examples of such):
  • The victim becomes possessed with extreme paranoia
  • They suffer from Visual and Auditory Hallucinations
  • They act extremely violent towards others
  • Stress leaves the victim more susceptible to paranoia and hallucinations
  • People with "Level 5" symptoms are suppressed by being given an injection

This explains the first arc of the first season (arc= Onikakushi-hen), when Keiichi becomes extremely paranoid of his friends after finding out about the "Curse of Oyashiro-sama". It also explains why instead of seeing the marker in Mion's hand he saw a syringe, as well as the needle in the ohagi.

Also, the fact that Keiichi received a shot from Dr. Irie when his paranoia of the people of Hinamiza was rising at an extreme rate reveals that he was at "Level 5" or even past that, and the injection didn't take any affect, or only suppressed it for a little while. The fact that he immediately went and talked to Oishi afterwards possibly counter-acted the injection.

Also, this explains the flashback (I believe, Rena has) where Rika tries to give Rena an injection, but Rena refuses, and Rika decides to wait until the next Hinamizawa.

  • Living in Hinamizawa prevents symptoms from occurring
  • Leaving Hinamizawa triggers symptoms

If this theory is true, that also explains why Rika attempted to give Shion an injection during season 1 (arc= Meakashi-hen). Although it does not explain why Rika then commits suicide, other than to escape Shions torture.

It does explain why Shion became paranoid of her own family and the village leaders. If Shion was living outside of Hinamizawa from the time of her birth to the time when she came back, shouldn't she have gone a little cookoo and the illness surfaced while at her school? Or since she barely lived in Hinamizawa, would having coming back awakened the illness within her (thus causing the "At that moment, the demon within me was born" line)?

  • Sometimes the symptoms settle down, but usually, the victim is not cured
  • A complete cure has not been found

Either way, not everything has been explained or revealed yet.

  1. Is Hanyuu an incarnation of Oyashiro-sama?
  2. How did Rika get suck in an ever repeating Hinamizawa?
  3. What exactly are the men in grey after?
  4. Why is Dr. Irie commiting suicide?
  5. Why in the first arc of Kai, did the nurse not answer Satako's call for help/let her die/kill her?
  6. Who sniped Oiishi and Kuma?

I hope the end of Kai ties most, if not all, the lose ends presented in this fascinating series.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Those Who Need Titles are Pompous As- Oh Wait...

437 pages in, and I'm really enjoying Breaking Dawn. No spoilers until I finish the fracking thing... God all mighty, for someone who's never taken on a Harry Potter length book, this one's a monster!

The premiere was pretty fun. I got to hang out with a group of my friends and write explicit things slandering Jacob on a public board (don't ask). Though that wasn't as scary as the "EDWARDxJACOB" written in pink. *shudders* Or the 40 year old man who, not only was a fan of the series, but was with there with his wife... That just screams creepy on so many levels.

The winners of the costume contest at our local Borders was a couple, a boy and a girl, dressed up as Jasper and Alice. They were absolutely adorable together! I'm glad they won. Lots of people dressed up as crazy Twilight fans, which were entertaining, but not really what the contest was about.

But enough about the release party, I finally got around to re-organizing my anime/manga collection. That was a monster of a task, seeing as many of the books didn't fit, so my boxsets got moved to the very bottom, with almost 2 whole shelves worth of manga (roughly around 60+ volumes). Almost time to start double stacking or get another shelf or clear some desk space. The top would work nice.

Spent the rest of the day laying mulch down in the flower beds. My hands, arms and feet are sore, but I feel great. I think I'll get a nice night of rest (if that makes any sense). Hopefully the painful blister on the inside of my thumb will go away soon so I can finish coloring a peice of lineart I've been working on feverishly for the last couple of days.

Well, speaking of rest, I need to sleep. G'night all!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Breaking Dawn

The local Borders is having a late-night party for the release of Breaking Dawn, something I'm super excited about. Hopefully I won't have to drag my annoying little sister along for the entire thing. Apparently she just wants to get her own book while there... (During a 4 hour event? WHT?)

God, I really hope I don't have to drag her along... Annoying little gremlin...

Current Mood: Excitement/Dread